Technology and Innovation
Blackbull is the place the place of innovation where digital transformation takes place, our mission is to create places of innovation to support digital talent in their growth…
Blackbull is a Startup born within a corporate group with 20 years of experience in the ICT industry, Robotics and Education.
Blackbull operates on three types of products: Robotics, Drones and 3D Modeling; working in the fields of training, consulting, sales and integration of systems and products.
To grow the digital talent and technology…
Innovation School
Our school uses an innovative approach that focuses on people. We offer courses for individuals and companies focusing on key areas for the digital transformation: Coding, Robotics, ICT and Prototyping
You need quick technical support. With our technology and electronics platforms you will always have someone you can rely on at any time and in any place
Corporate Programm
Innovation is a key element of business growth and requires the right combination of people processes and technologies. Blackbull supports companies and SMEs through the analysis of needs and the development of ad hoc projects, to guide companies in their digital transformation paths
BlackBull 20 years of experience in the ICT, Robotics and Education sector
Blackbull operates on three types of products Robotics, Drones and 3D printing; Professional training, consultancy, sales and integration of systems and products.
With our IT Managers, we offer advice on the development and integration of new technologies in many sectors
Blackbull sells on the whole national territory products and services with its own e-commerce platform and offers training to the Academy online.